Aum Vajra – (Buddhist chant, extra pagan vocals, extended)

This recording wanders in and out of the 3 lyrics.. playing with length of line, many harmonies and often non verbal lines. It’s a journey into how to embellish a song, and welcomes you to join in or sing it yourself with a group or just sing along with it.

The putting together of “We All Come From the Goddess” “Hoof and Horn” and “Aum Vajra” I have only ever heard at Buddhafiled Festival 2003.

This recording was originally recorded to help a group of 30 women quickly learn the song for “Moonrose” an extraordinary concert curated by Connie Prantera in 2017. (THE SEER)


I sang a version of this song on “South London Arts Lab” online festival during lockdown in 2020.


I first heard this song at Buddhafield Festival in 2003, the version i heard is in this album on Mixcloud. It features at the beginning and in the last 15 minutes of the recording.

The putting together of “We All Come From the Goddess” “Hoof and Horn” and “Aum Vajra” I have only ever heard at Buddhafiled Festival 2003.


“We all Come from the Goddess” features in Prana Chants book compiled by Tony Wrench

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