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This spreadsheet lists all 100+ compositions registered with PRS and PPL by Georgina Brett and collaborators.

It is fully searchable using the search box below.

Each column can also be reordered alphanumerically using the up and down triangles in each of the header description boxes.

The ‘Detail’ column contains a link to a page about each composition, it’s genesis and workings.

Etustaitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Aemotional sense more info 100T-918.172.856-3vocal / made-up language / 3 part round / ambient / harmonious22.081992Georgina BrettEmotional Sense225261GMUk-Fwt-17-00007
Brother 111itunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Aemotional sense more info 100T-918.172.858-5non-verbal vocal / flute / oboe / frere jaques / ambient / atmospheric11.002006Georgina BrettEmotional Sense225261GNUk-Fwt-17-00008
Again Stitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Aemotional sense more info 100T-918.172.859-6non-verbal vocal /ambient / harmonious08.242007Georgina BrettEmotional Sense225261GQUk-Fwt-17-00009
Leanateitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Aemotional sense more info 100T-918.172.860-9vocal / made-up language / homophonic / ambient05.081992Georgina BrettEmotional Sense225261GRUk-Fwt-17-00010
Contemplating the Planet Venusitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Aemotional sense more info 100T-918.172.863-2non-verbal vocal / dreamy / like waves / ambient / super chilled out19.182009Georgina BrettEmotional Sense225261GSUk-Fwt-17-00011
Angleationitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-A-100 AT-316.296.315-3non-verbal vocal / incessant / dissonant / ambient 09.172012Georgina BrettNonsense A288132LRUK-FWT-17-00012
Bouncy Springitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-A-100 AT-316.296.313-1non-verbal vocal / upbeat / melodic developing / harmonious / ambient 02.452010Georgina BrettNonsense A555067FNUk-Fwt-17-00013
Yeah Yeahitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-A-100 AT-316.296.346-0non-verbal vocal / up-beat / harmonious / melodic / developing / ambient06.342012Georgina BrettNonsense A555067KSUK-FWT-17-00014
God Found Pluto a Cold Placeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-A-100 AT-316.334.624-1non-verbal vocal / microtonal / dissonant / evolving / vocal glissando09.382009Georgina BrettNonsense A555525DUUk-Fwt-17-00015
Pent Flatitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-A-100 AT-316.334.696-7non-verbal / pentatonic / matrix /harmonious / melodic / up-beat / ambient08.282010Georgina BrettNonsense A555526BNUk-Fwt-17-00016
Fullnessitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-A-100 AT-316.296.324-4non-verbal vocal / ambient / harmonic / unfolding / ambient06.462014Georgina BrettNonsense A555067GQUk-Fwt-17-00017
Goodbye Beautiful Oakitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-B-100 AT-316.296.330-2non-verbal vocal / Indian Tambura / yearning / searching / a little unsettled01.282010Georgina BrettNonsense B555067GWUK-FWT-17-00018
A Field of Nymphsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-B-100 AT-316.296.311-9non-verbal vocal / upbeat / rising /harmonious / ambient / rhythmic / developing06.592009Georgina BrettNonsense B288132LWUk-Fwt-17-00019
Wholeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-B-100 AT-316.296.345-9non-verbal vocal / whole-note scale / simple / ambient03.122012Georgina BrettNonsense B555067KRUK-FWT-17-00020
My Tree Still has Leavesitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-B-100 AT-316.296.336-8non-verbal vocal / harmonious / incessant / tempo changes / ambient07.142012Georgina BrettNonsense B288133ANUk-Fwt-17-00021
Still Angleateditunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-B-100 AT-316.296.339-1non-verbal vocal / rising / searching / harmonious / 4/4 / ambient03.292011Georgina BrettNonsense B288133APUK-FWT-17-00022
Lullaby for a Busy Headitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ANonsense-B-100 AT-316.296.332-4non-verbal vocal / harmonious / lilting / hypnotic / shifting barlines17.062012Georgina BrettNonsense B288133AQUk-Fwt-17-00023
Scytheitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Aelectronic works icon 100T-316.296.340-4electro-acoustic / found sounds / academic / acousmatic11.081994Georgina BrettElectronic Works555067HWUk-Fwt-17-00001
Minibellsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 Aelectronic works icon 100T-316.296.333-5electro-acoustic / found sounds / academic / acousmatic09.341994Georgina BrettElectronic Works288132HRUk-Fwt-17-00002
Dimensional Doorsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 Aelectronic works icon 100T-316.296.316-4triphop / slow rhythmic /synth / hi-hat has fun05.411996Georgina BrettElectronic Works288132KWUk-Fwt-17-00003
Drains of the Underworlditunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 Aelectronic works icon 100triphop / electro-acoustic / upbeat07.121997Georgina Brett / Jason MayoElectronic WorksQZ-NWT-20-39033
Circle of Golditunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 Aelectronic works icon 100T-316.296.301-7rhythmic / instrumental / synths / ambient / poetry06.481998Georgina BrettElectronic Works555067DWUk-Fwt-17-00005
Hassleitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 Aelectronic works icon 100T-316.296.331-3electro-acoustic / rhythmic / experimental14.511999Georgina BrettElectronic Works288132LNUk-Fwt-17-00006
The Angel Gabrielitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AA minimal Christmas icon 100T-316.296.342-6Christmas Carol / vocal / verbal 06.052013Georgina BrettA Minimal Christmas555067KNUK-FWT-17-00024
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemenitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AA minimal Christmas icon 100T-316.296.327-7Christmas Carol / vocal / verbal 05.112013Georgina BrettA Minimal Christmas288133ASUKFWT1700025
The Coventry Carolitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AA minimal Christmas icon 100T-316.296.344-8Christmas Carol / vocal / verbal 08.282013Georgina BrettA Minimal Christmas555067KPUK-FWT-17-00026
In Dulce Jubiloitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AA minimal Christmas icon 100T-316.296.334-6Christmas Carol / vocal / verbal 05.122013Georgina BrettA Minimal Christmas555067HPUk-Fwt-17-00027
Gaudeteitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AA minimal Christmas icon 100T-316.296.326-6Christmas Carol / vocal / verbal 06.492015Georgina BrettA Minimal Christmas288133BMUKFWT1700015
In the Bleak Mid-Winteritunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AA minimal Christmas icon 100T-316.335.526-4Christmas Carol / vocal / verbal 06.332013Georgina BrettA Minimal Christmas288133BNUk-Fwt-17-00029
Live at Tuesdays Postitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.653-5vocal non-verbal / guitar / ethnic / dreamy / ambient16.372014GB / Shankara Andy BoleThe Eclipse Collaborations555872GUUk-Fwt-17-00036
Wonderful Themitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.654-6vocal / non-verbal / eclectic / instrumental / complex beat structure36.222016GB / Emmanuel ReveneauThe Eclipse Collaborations555872GVUk-Fwt-17-00037
Leanate Remixitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.665-9vocal / electro-acoustic / ambient / landscape03.542014GB / Joaquin MendozaThe Eclipse Collaborations555872HWUk-Fwt-17-00038
Flirting at the Dole Officeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.667-1non-verbal vocal / rhythmic / 4/4 drum / ambient05.002011GB / Seagram MuralsThe Eclipse Collaborations555872KMUk-Fwt-17-00039
Live at Cologne Live-Looping Festivalitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.669-3non-verbal / vocal / synth keyboard / ambient / chordal05.002011GB / Reyn OuwehandThe Eclipse Collaborations555872KNUk-Fwt-17-00040
Oscillateitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.668-2non-verbal vocal / oscillators / electronic / ambient08.522009GB / Visislav LaboshThe Eclipse Collaborations555872KPUk-Fwt-17-00041
Euanglion Lullabyitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.670-6harmonic / vocal / ambient / electronic02.22016GB / Guido LusettiThe Eclipse Collaborations555872KRUk-Fwt-17-00042
Zamaitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-310.489.208-8dark / ambient / vocal / guitar / electronics10.32015Darkroom / GBThe Eclipse Collaborations511014LUGb-Smu-21-10466
Contemplating the Planet Venus Remixitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.672-8non-verbal vocal / ambient / electronic / orchestral / ambient21.052016GB / Gordon MacMillanThe Eclipse Collaborations555872KSUk-Fwt-17-00044
Second Harmonicitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.674-0non-verbal vocal / chords / electronics /ambient landscape05.002016GB / HemsThe Eclipse Collaborations555872KUUk-Fwt-17-00045
Copy Thatitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.676-2non-verbal vocal / guitar effects / dark / ambient03.522014GB / Valentin CaretteThe Eclipse Collaborations555872KWUk-Fwt-17-00046
Sonnez les Matinesitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.677-3Frere Jaques / ambient remix 07.392013GB / Knopfdreher / Moody AlienThe Eclipse Collaborations555872LMUk-Fwt-17-00047
Live at Nonclassicalitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.678-4non-verbal vocal / theremin / oscillators / electronic / ambient23.122016GB / KumoThe Eclipse Collaborations555872LNUk-Fwt-17-00048
Cavok No Sigitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-919.443.015-4Trance / ambient / vocals 09.442015GB / EatstaticThe Eclipse Collaborations251504CNUK-FWT-17-00049
The Return of the Nabob on the 111itunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.679-5vocal / verbal / beat-based / visionary07.002015GB / Martin GloverThe Eclipse Collaborations555872LPUk-Fwt-17-00050
Things we Never Seeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AEclipse Collaborations Icon 100T-316.623.680-8vocal / verbal / Martin Luther King / indie / song / guitar 04.362010GB / Steve FinnertyThe Eclipse Collaborations555872LQUk-Fwt-17-00051
Bholenathitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 Avocal / verbal / trio / guitar / song / Sanskrit / Spiritual / upbeat / Shiva01.442008GB / Shiv / MorskiChants589186CQUKFWT2300007
The River is Flowingitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 AT-321.610.762-5Pagan chant / extended / melodies11.322023Georgina BrettChants589187ETUKFWT2300008
Air my Breathitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 AT-321.610.606-4Pagan chant / short / harmonies02.092008Georgina BrettChants589185LTUK-FWT-23-00003
Return Returnitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 AT-321.610.611-1Pagan chant / extended / extra melodies09.152023Georgina BrettChants589186AMUKFWT2300006
I am of the Mineralsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 APagan chant / short / harmonies01.552009GB / Tony WrenchChants592184LVUKFWT2300005
The Rocks the Stones and the Crystalsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 APagan chant / short / harmonies03.082009GB / Tony WrenchChants589187EVUKFWT2300009
Tall Treesitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 APagan chant / extended / extra melodies and non-verbal08.292008GB / Tony WrenchChants589187BSUKFWT2300010
Celebronitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 AT-321.610.607-5Verbal vocal / Medieval round / interweaving melodies03.32008Georgina BrettChants589185LUUKFWT2300004
Aum Vajraitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 AT-321.610.757-8Buddhist chant / extra pagan vocals / super extended 33.552008Georgina BrettChants589187EPUKFWT2300011
I am a Circleitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 Achants-100 AT-321.931.948-5verbal vocal / Pagan chant / extended08.342023Georgina BrettChants593195DWUKFWT2300022
Bewildered Maidenitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.046-9Non-verbal vocal / drone / ambient / 111hz tuning fork04.002016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622HRUKFWT2300012
Bewildered Motheritunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.047-0Non-verbal vocal / feedback / drone / microtonal06.082016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622HSUKFWT2300013
Bewildered Croneitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.051-6Non-verbal vocal / drone / distortion02.32016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622HVUKFWT2300014
A Cave with Curious Twinsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.052-7Non-verbal vocal / polyrhythms / percussive / microtonal04.32016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622HWUKFWT2300015
Venus Drew the Mistakes for him to Seeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.053-8non-verbal vocal / persistant / incessant / drone / 06.262016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622KMUKFWT2300016
The Earth and the Moon Argueitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.056-1non-verbal vocal / drone / feedback / percussive04.162016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622KPUKFWT2300018
They Reached an Agreementitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.059-4non-verbal vocal / electronic / percussive / distortion03.442016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622KRUKFWT2300019
Khufus Descentitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.054-9non-verbal vocal / theme and refrain / Pharoah Sanders / beautiful03.362016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622KNUKFWT2300017
The Shivan Cycloneitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.058-3non-verbal vocal / Om Namah Shivaya / ostinato / Sherman Filterbank09.262016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622KSUKFWT2300020
He Soundly Sleepsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.991.099-9non-verbal vocal / beautiful / longing / matrix melodies / snoring06.582011Georgina BrettKhufus Descent594409AMUKFWT2300023
Its not You its Meitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.991.102-7non-verbal vocal / dissonant / sporadic individual notes / counter melodies07.142016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent594409AQUKFWT2300024
Calm After a Long Dayitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AKhufus descent icon 100T-321.665.060-7non-verbal vocal / melodies / harmonies / beautiful / meditative07.592016Georgina BrettKhufus Descent589622KTUKFWT2300021
Burrowsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-322.144.477-1non-verbal vocal / melodic / percussive / harmonic / periodical04.482013Georgina BrettQualia596614DVUKFWT2300025
Clixtingnessesitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-322.144.482-8vocals / percussive / textural / landscape03.22020Georgina BrettQualia596614ENUKFWT2300026
111 Follow Omitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-322.144.484-0111hz tuning fork / low drone / ambient / dark 05.42020Georgina BrettQualia596614ERUKFWT2300027
Shimmeritunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-322.144.487-3electronic / ambient / guitar / travelling / swell and recede06.322018Georgina BrettQualia596614EUUKFWT2300028
The Light Returnsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-322.144.492-0non-verbal vocal / sparse / melodies / minor key 04.242020Georgina BrettQualia596614FPUKFWT2300029
Us Two Too (Live vocal version)itunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-322.144.496-4non-verbal vocal / 12 note / haunting / dissonant / melodic 09.582013Georgina BrettQualia596614FTUKFWT2300030
Qianizationitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-322.144.501-4Electronic / synth / delays / chordal / swell and recede / slow11.442014Georgina BrettQualia596614GNUKFWT2300031
Qualial Coalition (Live vocal version)itunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AQualia-icon-100 AT-316.296.338-0non-verbal vocal / clapping music Steve Reich / minimal / harmonies27.042015Georgina BrettQualia288133BPUKFWT2300032
La Nuititunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADing dang dong icon 100T-322.144.593-4Frere Jaques adaptation / vocal / synth / ambient07.052013GB / Knopfdreher / Moody AlienDing Dang Dong596615ETUKFWT2300033
La Clarineitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADing dang dong icon 100T-322.144.596-7Frere Jaques adaptation / vocal / multitracked / cutup / ambient18.392013GB / Knopfdreher / Moody AlienDing Dang Dong596615EVUKFWT2300034
La Prièreitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADing dang dong icon 100T-322.144.600-6Frere Jaques adaptation / flute / oboe / vocal / drone / ambient11.012013GB / Knopfdreher / Moody AlienDing Dang Dong596615FNUKFWT2300035
Sonnez Les Matinesitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADing dang dong icon 100T-316.623.677-3Frere Jaques / bells / metallic landscape / vocals / moody08.052013GB / Knopfdreher / Moody AlienDing Dang Dong555872LMUKFWT2300036
Les Yeux Fermésitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADing dang dong icon 100T-322.144.603-9Frere Jaques / atmospheric / nonverbal / abstract / short cut-ups / bells 08.42013GB / Knopfdreher / Moody AlienDing Dang Dong596615FRUKFWT2300037
La Nuit-Pleine Luneitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADing dang dong icon 100T-322.144.609-5Frere Jaques adaptation / vocal / bass / ambient / landscape / textural06.232013GB / Knopfdreher / Moody AlienDing Dang Dong596615FTUKFWT2300038
Bach Prelude I in Vocalsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADay and Night icon 100T-322.276.609-4Verbal vocal / harmonic / Ave Maria17.362014Georgina BrettDay and Night598192EVUKFWT2300039
Day and Nightitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADay and Night icon 100T-322.276.608-3Verbal Vocal / jazz harmony06.542013Georgina BrettDay and Night598192EWUKFWT2300040
A Duel of Opposing Love Song - Negativeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADay and Night icon 100T-322.276.610-7Verbal vocal / matrix melodies07.42005Georgina BrettDay and Night598192FMUKFWT2300041
A Duel of Opposing Love Songs - Positiveitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADay and Night icon 100Verbal vocal / canon / 6 parts / developing09.552010Georgina BrettDay and Night598192FSUKFWT2300042
Don't You Thinkitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADay and Night icon 100T-322.276.612-9Verbal vocal / folky / flute / guitar06.542004GB / FinnertyDay and Night598192FPUKFWT2300043
Pythagorasitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADay and Night icon 100T-322.276.614-1Verbal vocal / matrix 24.042011Georgina BrettDay and Night598192FQUKFWT2300044
Resolutionitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 ADay and Night icon 100T-322.276.613-0Verbal / vocal / upbeat / beautiful12.542018Georgina BrettDay and Night598192FRUKFWT2300045
Mash up the Placeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.414-6oboe02.142020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208DQUKFWT2300047
Daily Harvestitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.417-9oboe04.252020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208DTUKFWT2300048
Weepingitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.419-1oboe wicker man06.42020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208DVUKFWT2300049
Clearingitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.421-5oboe reverb02.212020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208DWUKFWT2300050
Buzzardsitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.424-8oboe loops reverb charlie parker06.532021Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208EMUKFWT2300051
Consuming a Treeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.423-7Oboe and loops03.362021Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208EPUKFWT2300052
Chromaitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.425-9oboe improv.. chromatic reverb04.332020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208EQUKFWT2300053
Scurryitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.426-0oboe improv..01.492020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208ERUKFWT2300054
Perfect Glitchitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.429-3recorder and loops like seagulls03.592020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208ESUKFWT2300055
Nuzzleitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.430-6echoey effected oboe voice etc04.062020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208ETUKFWT2300056
At Playitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-316.335.518-4kids outside looped03.442021Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more467597AUUK-FWT-23-00002
Peeling Squeezeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.427-1peeling bells - effects melodica02.462020Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208EUUKFWT2300057
Bird of Prayitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.431-7oboe / guitar04.242020GB / HemsOboe Improvisations and more599208EWUKFWT2300058
Neuron Valleys of the Minditunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.432-8oboe / vocals / effects06.582007GB / Darren Sangita / Lee HarrisOboe Improvisations and more599208FMUKFWT2300059
Ciffoeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.433-9Electroacoustic / machinery06.521992Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208FNUKFWT2300060
Formalismitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.453-3Electroacoustic / Matrix 07.561992Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208HQUKFWT2300061
Juxta Landscapeitunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AOboe etc icon 100T-322.326.455-5Electroacoustic06.341993Georgina BrettOboe Improvisations and more599208HSUKFWT2300062
Elegy No 1,2,3itunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AHappenstance-icon-100 AT-322.549.531-4Meditation / Sleep Music59.432016Georgina BrettThe Happenstance Meditations602061ARUk-Fwt-23-00067
Contemplation No 4,5itunes2 100spotify-100 Abandcamp-100 AYoutube-100 AHappenstance-icon-100 AT-322.626.884-0Meditation / Sleep music29.32016Georgina BrettThe Happenstance Meditations603833ERUk-Fwt-23-00070