Don’t You Think – (verbal vocal, folky, flute, guitar)

This song contains a beautiful guitar riff by Steve Finnerty.

There are 3 sung modular parts that appear often with harmonies using this simple pattern:
1 / 12 / 123 / 1234 / 12345 / 1234 / 123 / 12 / 1

Don’t You,
Don’t You Think,
Don’t You Think You,
Don’t You Think You Are,
Don’t You Think You,
Don’t You Think,
Don’t You,

Be Here,
Be Here Now,
Be Here Now With,
Be Here Now With Me,
Be Here Now With,
Be Here Now,
Be Here,

Sad Times,
Sad Times come,
Sad Times come and,
Sad Times come and Go,
Sad Times come and,
Sad Times come,
Sad Times,

Flute solo by Georgina
Auto harp by Georgina
song arrangement by Steve Finnerty

Sun is shining in the window and i smile at you
Babylon our there, and we’re safe and warm in here
Looking forward to the Summertime
Fires are outside drinking brandy
Looking forward to the Summertime
it’s 2006
Have a cup of tea… smile at you and 2 lumps or 3
Looking forward to the Summertime.
Getting outside sleeping under the stars
Fires crackle, fires crackle


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