Pythagoras – (Verbal vocal composition, theory of opposites, matrix)

An example of my preconceived verbal work would be ‘Pythagoras’. The lyrics come from Pythagorean theory of 10 opposites, the 3 Pythagorean categories. ‘Musica Mundana (the music of the spheres), Musica Humana (music of the human body) and Musica Instrumentalis (vocal and instrumental music) and numbers 123&4. ‘We are not so different from the ancient, medieval or renaissance man.  We still like order, whether it is visual or aural.  This order is still found in the heavens, body, and aural music; the three types of music that philosophers have given. (Carmichael, 2013)

The Pythagorean 10 opposites; good-bad, square-oblong, limited-unlimited, odd-even, one-many, right-left, male-female, rest-motion, straight-curved and light-dark, here i have created ways to gently play with the words in a matrix, sometimes singing parts of a word, other times singing the syllable, but leaving time between to obscure the language.

This was recorded live at the Cologne live-looping Festival 2011. A wonderful, well organized, enjoyable event hosted by Michael Peters (Veloopity), Thanks to Michael for the beautiful video projection of Jellyfish, which i didn’t get to see until I received the recording of the event!


Georgina Brett live at Cologne Livelooping Festival April 2011 from Georgina Brett on Vimeo.

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