Sonnez Les Matines – (Frere Jaques, ambient remix, relaxing)

The fourth of 6 remixes of a lengthy (over one hour) improvisation around on ‘Frere Jaques’.  Inspired by Mahler’s symphonic version i sing in the minor key not the major key.

Track 4 begins with bell-like sounds woven into an ambient background before the vocals arrive. Overt melodies (not all adherring to the original 4 melodic lines) appear, there is much metallic references to bells in the low bass and in sporadic mid and high range instances. There’s only verbal vocal lines in this version complimented by the electronic and soundscape which takes centre stage along with the vocal lines.

This is a collaboration between myself , Moody Al and Knopfdreher.

Knopfdreher and Moody Alien approached me  in 2011 about remixing a very long live-looped version i sang of the children’s round Frere Jaques. Sadly the original does not exist anymore, it resided on a hard drive which got bricked a while ago..

The album was originally released in September 2013. “Ding Dang Dong” an album of 6 tracks which successfully creates a wonderful ambient environment for the round to inhale and exhale… 🙂

Please find this track and all 5 other versions here in the album by myself “Ding Dang Dong” recently released across all major platforms.

Sonnez Les Matines features in the album ‘The Eclipse Collaborations’

Please find the 30 minute promotional film for the album below:

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