The Rocks the Stones and the Crystals – (pagan chant, short, harmonies)

A lovely song written by Tony Wrench, so enjoyable to sing. This is short version with only a few extra harmonies. This song was recorded in 2016 and mastered in 2023. It’s so unusual to sing a song focused on the building blocks of life, Such a pleasure to be  in this song.

When I was studying music at Edinburgh University, I sang a collection of Pagan songs with some friends on a Sunday night for a while, it was in a cosy little cottage in Roslin, with a fire burning and we all brought a dish to eat, we created some amazing vibes. Moving from singing to percussion and drumming and back again, seamlessly. It was an education in a type of music making that didn’t feature in the academic course.. I was so grateful for these experiences as they widened my knowledge and scope of singing style and improvisation.

The songs we sang were from “Prana Chants” a songbook compiled by Tony Wrench. Tony wrote “The Rocks, the Stones and the Crystals”.

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