The Shivan Cyclone – (non-verbal vocal, Om Namaha Shivaya, ostinato, sherman filterbank)

This piece is constructed using a custom 6 channel surround plugin and Ableton live. It was Diwali 2018 when i sang this song, n that day there was an enormous cyclone over Asia.

So i created this abstracted ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ (trans.. – Bow down to Shiva) Shiva being the God of Destruction…. There’s the sense of the whirlwind in the pulsating rhythmic ostinato and of catching the famous melody on the wind, each part appears and disappears as though in a maelstrom.

The second half with extra, more violent distortions adding to the havoc. Although there is disorder there is always a sense of harmony in this piece.

This song also goes by the name ‘Shirvma’, this unmastered version is available on soundcloud:

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